You need reliable information, and you need it fast.
Stick with us and get the facts as we bust 3 common myths about divorce-
Myth: Hire a lawyer and you’re done! Sit back and they’ll take care of it.
Truth: Nope! You’re a big part of the process. You need to be an active participant. Why?
- You are your own best advocate
- No one knows you better than YOU
- You know what YOU need, value, can accept, and must reject
You want to be prepared, confident, knowledgeable, and vocal.
More engagement = More control over the process
Myth: Once the divorce is finalized, you are “done.”
Truth: Oftentimes, the process isn’t over once the papers are signed.
Future changes in spousal support, child support, and income levels often arise.
*For some, yes, you close that book and put it in the rearview!*
Myth: Divorce is a courtroom battle.
Truth: Doesn’t have to be! Courtroom divorce (aka traditional litigation) is just one way to do it.
Out-of-court processes like mediation or collaborative law have huge potential benefits –
- Quicker
- Less expensive
- Less contentious
- More private
- Much better for the kids
Understanding these truths will help you navigate your divorce process with clarity and confidence.
And planHer collaborative will be with you every step of the way.