Divorce is a legitimate choice
In a world pushing women to do it all, we’re told that with more effort, we can Save the marriage! Preserve our reputation! Keep the family intact!
Divorce isn’t the answer to every problem.
But it is for some.
If it’s your answer, it’s a valid and worthy choice.
And so are you.
You can do this
You are your own best advocate.
You know your family, situation, and values better than anyone.
Divorce is complex and unique for every woman. To some it’s an ending. To others, a beginning.
Only you know what you need, what you value, what is acceptable and what isn’t.
You CAN handle it, and we’re here to support you.
Step by step you will get through this.
Divorce does NOT need to take place in the courtroom
Divorce + courtroom + lawyers = litigation
It’s a valid choice. AND there are other options like mediation and collaborative law. Both are non-litigation. Both take place outside of the courtroom.
Why choose non-litigation? It’s often quicker, cheaper, less contentious, more private, and better for kids.
There is no one-size-fits all solution
Every woman is different. Every divorce is different.
Only you know what’s possible and realistic for you.
And we are here to support YOU in finding your best solution.